Saturday, January 31, 2015

An American Nobel Laureate in Physics passed away

Charles Towne  an educator and Nobel prize winner died at the age of 99.  He was a religious man which dispels the myth that science and religion doesn't mix.  His research led to the modern laser which is critical in today's technology in areas encompassing medicine, manufacturing, fiber optic technologies,  astronomy, the list is almost endless.  His academic endeavors led him to the most technically advanced institutions in the United States of America.  He was an educator in places such as MIT, the California Institute of Technology, and Columbia University.   He worked at Bell Labs ranked in the top of its fields of research in the world.  He will be missed as a man but remembered for all of his accomplishments.
Charles Towne

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

theory of everything

The theory of everything is an interesting generalization of a theory of what we are on every level.  This is the reason why I am a physics major and why I want to teach students in this field.   The importance of questioning what we think we know and trying to find alternate possibilities to answer questions that we have no answers for is a passion of mankind and one  I stoke often.  The competing theories between Reduction and  Condensed Matter is like the chicken and the egg.


e-learning 2075

The type of educational system in the year of 2075 is just a guess.  History in this arena has told us that anything is possible.  The changes that may take place will probably include some of what the article "From Chalkboards to Chat Boards: What will e-learning look like in 2075" states.   But if history can tell us anything it tells us that  our own advances in technology are not on a simple linear path. What was thought to be impossible even a decade ago has become commonplace today.  To look forward 60 years I believe this article is quite conservative in its outlook for future education.  S Our technology is advancing on a non linear path therefore our future educational path should mirror our advances in technology.
